EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics – 2018 Annual Conference

Coventry University featured as one of twelve member institutions of the EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics organising the 2018 Annual Conference of the Centre that took place in Loughborough on the 4th and 5th of July


Neo Lophitis and PhD students Anastasios Arvanitopoulos and Samuel Perkins represented Coventry University by presenting the following research:

  • Arvanitopoulos, S. Perkins, M. Jennings, M. Antoniou, F. Li, K. Gyftakis and N. Lophitis, “Carrier Transport mechanisms contributing to the sub-threshold current in 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diodes”, EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics Loughborough, 2018.
  • S. Perkins, A. Arvanitopoulos, K. Gyftakis and N. Lophitis, “The Static Performance of Commercial GaN-on-Si Devices at Elevated Temperatures”, EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics Loughborough, 2018.
  • S. Perkins, M. Antoniou, A. Tiwari, A. Arvanitopoulos, T. Trajkovic, F. Udrea and N. Lophitis, “>10kV 4H-SiC n-IGBTs for Elevated Temperature Environments”, EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics Loughborough, 2018.

4.5kV Bi-mode Gate Commutated Thyristor design with High Power Technology and shallow diode-anode

4.5kV Bi-mode Gate Commutated Thyristor design with High Power Technology and shallow diode-anode

Neophytos Lophitis*‡, Marina Antoniou*, Florin Udrea*, Umamaheswara Vemulapati§, Martin Arnold+, Munaf Rahimo+, Jan Vobecky+

*Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. ‡Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, Coventry, UK. §ABB Switzerland Ltd, Corporate Research, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland. +ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors, Lenzburg, Switzerland

The 28th IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), June 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.

Power Electronics: The Rise Of The Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

Power Electronics: The Rise Of  The Wide Bandgap Semiconductors.
Samuel Perkins and Anastasios Arvanitopoulos

Power Electronics and Trends – Power Electronics is the discipline of controlling, converting and conditioning electrical power using power solid state electronic devices (Power Semiconductors) [1]. Advancements in many sectors, such as the automotive, aerospace, traction and consumer electronics are coupled to the advancements in power electronics. Specifically to the target of achieving increased efficiency of electric power conversion, of reducing size, weight and cost of the power converter. It also links to the reduction of power loss in the passive components. These are underpinned by the technological advancements achieved in power semiconductor device design and semiconductor materials. Silicon (Si) technology reached its technological maturity, therefore further improvements in power electronics of silicon technology are expected to be incremental rather than revolutionary. A step improvement can be achieved by the utilization of wide bandgap semiconductor materials such as the Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN). Because of the advanced electrical properties of these materials, revolutionary improvements can be expected through their improvement and utilisation.