
Academic qualifications

I gained the BA in Electrical and Information Science (completed in 2008, awarded in 2009), the MEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (awarded in 2009) and the PhD in Power  (completed in 2013, awarded in 2014), from the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.  In 2012, I was conferred the MA, also from the University of Cambridge. In 2018 I gained the PGCert in Academic Practice in Higher Education from Coventry University and during the same year I became a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy.

Current appointment

I am an Assistant Professor of Electrical Power at the University of Nottingham. I am also affiliated with the University of Warwick as an honorary Associate Professor. I currently work on research projects funded by industry, the European Commission (Horizon Europe) and the UK Research Institute. I have authored/co-authored more than 50 manuscripts.

Prior academic experience/appointments

I joined Nottingham in January 2020. Before that, between June 2015 and January 2020, I have been with the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, and the Research Institute for Future Transport and Cities, at Coventry University. My work in Coventry led to the recognition of Coventry University as Competence Centre by the European Centre for Power Electronics (ECPE) for I became the Coventry’s representative. It also led to a full membership at the UK’s EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) for I participated at the steering committee as the Coventry’s representative.

Previously, between September 2013 and May 2015, I worked as consultant for Cambridge Microelectronics LTD and Anvil Semiconductors LTD on research and development and I was a Post Doctoral Researcher / Research Associate in Power with the High Voltage Microelectronics and Sensors Group, University of Cambridge.

More on my curriculum vitae


My research focuses on power electronics, devices, semiconductors and (more recently) on machines and batteries. These technologies underpin all modern Electrical Energy Systems and are necessary when aiming to achieve highly efficient and stable electrical systems, smart grids and transport. Indeed they enable a low carbon future. I have a particular interest in adapting these technologies for use in automotive applications, e.g. for vehicles with more electric power train and for servicing the grid e.g. >5kV.

My biggest contribution is on the advancement of high voltage power semiconductor devices, Silicon and Wide bandgap. During the past years I have contributed significantly to the explanation of failure mechanisms of large area high power silicon devices and to the design, development and characterisation of novel Silicon, Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride devices. My research and interests however also include the condition monitoring of power electronic converters and machines, the degradation and state of health of batteries for automotive applications and electrical power conversion in general.

More on research

More on publications


Power Electronics and Electrical Machines teaching lab 

I have been teaching and supervising students of all levels in higher education since 2009 and in 2018 I became a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy.

My main recent and current teaching responsibilities include leading, teaching and tutoring Electrical Science, Machines and Drives, Power Semiconductor Devices and Converters and Advanced Power Electronics.

More on teaching


Real-time Virtual Prototypes for the Power Electronics Supply Chain (EP/X024377/1)

This UKRI EPSRC funded project investigates computer simulation methods for power electronic systems. Power electronic systems are essential sub-systems in key energy conversion application areas such as electric vehicle powertrains, marine propulsion, aerospace, renewable energy and power distribution. They are complex assemblies of electrical, mechanical and thermal management sub-systems and components. Optimal system designs require understanding of electrical, electromagnetic and thermal interactions between components – the way in which a component is integrated during system manufacture can have a significant effect on system performance and lifetime.

The research undertaken will propose a new Real-Time Virtual Prototype (RTVP) model architecture for power electronic components. The RTVP models utilise reduced order modelling algorithms that allow the models to simulate over 1000 times faster than conventional Finite Element models. These models can then be coupled together and simulated very quickly (faster than real-time in certain scenarios) to allow system manufacturers to evaluate system performance, including wear-out and reliability, over extended time periods. Furthermore, the models can be configured to hide sensitive design and performance data which will enable component manufacturers to release accurate, 3D models simulation models of their components whilst protecting sensitive IP. These models can be combined to produce full digital “virtual prototypes” of system designs, eliminating the need for construction and testing of physical prototypes, leading to reduced design costs and increased system performance.

AdvanSiC: Advances in Cost-Effective HV SiC Power Devices for Europe’s Medium Voltage Grids

Currently participating in AdvanSiC (Advances in Cost-Effective HV SiC Power Devices for Europe’s Medium Voltage Grids), a €4m European Horizon funded project. The objective of this project is to develop, produce, test, and validate cost-effective HV SiC MOSFET semiconductors in MVDC grid applications, a full-scale wind converter, a full-scale solar inverter, and a solid-state circuit breaker for DC converter stations.

The aim is to minimize HV SiC device cost by advancing novel design structures and process optimization. Beyond this, we shall assure an immune and reliable environment to handle SiC fast transients, as well as optimize passives and cooling system to provide cost reduction not only at device level but also at system level.

The project brings together 11 institutions led by IKERLAN (Spain). Others are Gamesa Electric, ABB, Mersen, DEEP Concept, University of Nottingham, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, mqSemi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, LPE S.p.A., University of Warwick.

Underpinning Power Electronics (UPE) 2: Switch Optimisation Theme  (EP/R00448X/1)

Between 2018-2021 I participated in one of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s (EPSRC) five flagship Underpinning Power Electronics (UPE) projects. Each of the three-year £1.2-£1.4 million projects focuses on a different aspect of the power electronics supply chain with the aim of creating new devices and applications to fully realise the energy saving potential of this emerging technology.

Partnering Cambridge, Newcastle and Warwick on the ‘switch optimisation’ theme, we will be developing ultrahigh voltage silicon carbide (SiC) n-IGBTs. With voltage ratings over 10 kV, nearly 10 times the voltage rating of any SiC device on the open market, SiC insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) have the potential to make considerable gains in efficiency for the National grid, e.g. when connecting off-shore wind power to the network.


Available Research Positions

Please contact me directly for up-to-date opportunities. Exemplary current or recent research topics are shown below.

Successful candidates will be based at the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group, within the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Nottingham. The group is one of the largest, most well equipped, and most recognised groups in its field worldwide. Depending on how eligibility criteria are met, Home/EU candidates may be entitled to full award (stipend and full fees) and International candidates may be entitled to a partial award (full or partial PhD tuition fees).

The successful candidate is expected to be highly motivated, and to have First or Upper Second-class degree in Electrical, Electronics or Physics.

PhD in Power Electronics with focus on Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Device Technologies for High Power Electrified Systems and Application

Wide bandgap power semiconductors, particularly Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) have advanced electrical properties compared to Silicon (Si). When utilised in existing and new power electronic systems, a step improvement in terms of efficiency, power density, operating limits, and functionality can be achieved. For high power applications such as the smart grid, grid-level renewables, full electric ships, drives for electric trains or specialised high-power instruments and electric vehicles, high voltage and hundreds or thousands of amperes need to be handled. For that, SiC and GaN devices offer distinct advantages over Si mainly due to the large bandgap. SiC and GaN can sustain higher electric field, operate at higher temperature, require reduced cooling and the can switch significantly faster. However, many challenges remain unresolved. Designing those devices able to handle the required high current, whilst also supporting high voltage is a difficult task, packaging them with without compromising their operation is challenging whilst their reliability and controllability lack compared to Si.

Applicants are invited to undertake a 3 to 4 years PhD programme to investigate the performance and reliability of high power SiC and GaN device technologies. The aim is to increase our understanding of the performance limits of these wide bandgap power semiconductors, how to design, fabricate, package and test existing and novel device structures which can outperform the state-of-the-art. It will be addressed both theoretically and experimentally.

PhD in Reliable power conversion through condition monitoring of power semiconductors and electronics

Power Electronics Converters are exceptionally important in systems that operate in changeable, isolated, challenging environments or where the degradation of operation can potentially be life threatening. Practical examples of scenarios which would benefit from the integration of Condition Monitoring include; offshore wind turbines, aerospace power supplies, traction drives and electric vehicles.

PhD in Reliable and compact high performance power electronics in electric and hybrid vehicles through power semiconductor engineering

Master in power semiconductor engineering for the development of high performance and reliable power semiconductor devices. The focus of the project will be to design devices that mitigate from issues that cause reliability problems and fully exploit the advanced characteristics of wide band gap semiconductors.