4.5kV Bi-mode Gate Commutated Thyristor design with High Power Technology and shallow diode-anode

4.5kV Bi-mode Gate Commutated Thyristor design with High Power Technology and shallow diode-anode

Neophytos Lophitis*‡, Marina Antoniou*, Florin Udrea*, Umamaheswara Vemulapati§, Martin Arnold+, Munaf Rahimo+, Jan Vobecky+

*Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. ‡Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, Coventry, UK. §ABB Switzerland Ltd, Corporate Research, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland. +ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors, Lenzburg, Switzerland

The 28th IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), June 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.